第三节 牙本质龋和牙骨质龋 Dentin caries and cementium caries 第十四章 龋病的预防 Prevention of dental caries 第二节 临床诊断要点 Essential points for caries diagnosis ..
...三节 预防儿童龋齿的临床指导 Age-specific home oral hygiene itructio 第十四章 龋病的预防 Prevention of dental caries 第一节 社区群体预防的原则 Principles of prevention of dental caries in ..
...三节 防备儿童龋齿的临床引导 Age-specific home oral hygiene instructions 第十四章 龋病的防备 Prevention of dental caries 第一节 社区集体防备的准绳 Principles of prevention of dental caries in community ..
Conclusion: fluoride tablet is effective in the preventionofdentalcaries in children.
Conclusion the preventionofdentalcaries with fluorinated bubbles is effective to the children aging from 3 to 6.
结论氟化泡沫对3 ~ 6岁组儿童的龋病预防是有效的。
Objective: To measure the fluoride concentrations in dental plaque and saliva after the use of sodium fluoride rinses and APF solutions and evaluate the significance in cariesprevention.