释义 |
prevalence 英/ ?prev?l?ns / 美/ ?prev?l?ns / - 1
农业科学 流行 There were a large numbers of pigs fed in Henan province , where the prevalence of Swine Fever was very severe. 河南省是我国的养猪大省,也是我国猪瘟流行严重的地区之一。
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文学 流行 With the prevalence and popularity of web 2.0 in recent years, research and application on social networks (SNS) is becoming a focus of public attention. 近年来随着Web 2.0的流行和普及,对社会关系网络(SNS)的研究和应用逐渐成为关注热点。
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能源科学技术 普遍 Such equipments are used for processing the products prevalence of poor quality, lack of variety and high cost,availability such a long period, therefore is uncompetitive on world and domestic markets. 用这种装备加工出来的产品普遍存在质量差、品种少、成本高、供货期长等现象,因而在国际、国内市场上缺乏竞争力。
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The exquisite and exquisite prevalences design. - 2
There were high incidences and wide prevalences in viral diseases. - 3
The therapeutic effects and prevalences of complications were compared among groups.