定义 中文名称: 废弃物预处理 英文名称: pretreatment of the waste 定义: 为确保海洋倾废合理实施,倾倒前对废弃物进行有计划有成效地改善其性质,使不利因素尽可能向有利方面转化,以减少对环境产生不利影响所采取的各种技术措施。
The paper describes thepretreatmentofthewaste water by using ion chromatography to determine inorganic ions, and discuss the preparation and regeneration of the pre-processing column.
The effective pretreatment for municipal solid waste (MSW) before disposel can not only decrease the capacity of MSW and improve the effect of disposel, but also recover part of resource materials.
The experiment result expresses, after pretreatment and biological method, drilling sewage can attain a class standard of national waste synthetical discharge.