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1 ?触摸前感应 而微软的Pre-Touch(触摸前感应)却能预测你的行动,还能在你没碰到屏幕之前靠你握手机的方式提前安排好按键的位置。 2 ?以及预触控 ...秘色彩的建议,表示可透过进入用户的“神经网路(neural networks)”来作为手机介面的导航:「即采用触控以及预触控(pre-touch)的输入法。
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On Saturday, for instance, Palm launched the Pre, a smart phone that boasts a slick, touch-screen interface akin to that on the iPhone. 例如,星期六Palm发布了一款智能手机Pre,其引以为傲的滑盖式触摸屏界面,堪与iPhone匹敌。 - 2
Similarly, Toyota uses a rear-mounted camera for the self-parking feature on its Prius hybrid, which can park itself, albeit with some pre-programming from the driver via the car's touch-screen; 类似的,丰田(Toyota)在其普瑞斯轿车(Prius hybrid)上使用一种后置相机实现自动停车功能,虽然需要由驾驶员在触摸屏上输入一些预编程序。 - 3
Servo motor controls capping torque, pre-set torque from touch-screen. When capping reaches set torque, capping head stops, suitable for tighter capping requirement. 旋盖的扭力由伺服电机控制,在触摸屏上设定扭矩。当旋盖达到设定的扭矩时,旋盖头即停止旋转,适合对旋紧度要求高的产品。