释义 |
1 ?后置发动机轿车 ... straight-eight car 直列八缸发动机汽车 rear-engine car 后置发动机轿车,发动机后置式汽车 air cushion car 气垫车 ... 2 ?发动机后置式汽车 ... supercharged car (废气涡轮)增压式汽车 rear-engine car 后置发动机轿车,发动机后置式汽车 air cushion car 气垫车 ... 3 ?后置策念头轿车 ...将降低速度器壳与轴壳的中间部门铸成一体,两头压入无缝钢管后,用塞焊将其与中间部门烧焊在一路) rear-engine car 后置策念头轿车,策念头后置式汽车 cfrp carbon fiber reinforced plastic 碳纤维巩固份子化合物塑料 .. 4 ?后置发念头轿车 RC power car rotary combustion power car 转子发念头汽车 rear-engine car 后置发念头轿车,发念头后置式汽车 rear-steering car 后轮转向车 ..
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Even the Volkswagen rear engine car was anticipated by a 1904 patent for a cart with the horse at the rear. 早在1904年,人们就已经预见到了大众汽车的后置引擎汽车。 - 2
The engine is a stressed component within the car, bolting to the carbon fibre 'tub' and having the transmission and rear suspension bolted to it in turn. 引擎是赛车上最重要的部件,与碳纤维的“盆”闩锁在一起,并依次连接变速器和齿轮。 - 3
Volkswagen (VW), a latecomer to the party, this week announced the Up!, a euro6,000 ($8,300) small car for emerging markets with a rear-mounted engine that harks back to the original VW Beetle. 为了迎合新兴市场的需求,作为这场竞争派对的后来者,大众汽车本周发布了一款价格为6000欧元(8300美元),搭载后置发动机的小车,这辆车回归了大众甲壳虫的传统风格。