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实时协议 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?实时协议 ...: 传感器网络;大型装备;实时协议;状态监测 [gap=731]Keywords: Sensor Network,large-Scale Equipment,Real-time Protocol,State Monitoring ... 2 ?以及实时串流协议 ...顶盒 详解确保车载信息娱乐系统安全运作的测试需求 (Virtual Network Computing,VNC)以及实时串流协议(Real-Time Protocol,RTP)等技术标准,即可与IVI系统建立连接和信息串流,提高IVI系统的联网能力。 3 ?即时传输协定 Welcome and Play,UPnP?)找寻对应的设备与完成正确的设定配置、运用蓝牙(Bluetooth?)和即时传输协定(Real-Time Protocol,RTP)执行音讯串流等,MirrorLink?也能支援目前在车内经常使用的规格包括蓝牙HFP与A2DP协定等 4 ?和即时传输协议 无线电技术 and Play,UPnP?)找寻对应的设备与完成正确的设定配置、运用蓝牙(Bluetooth?)和即时传输协议(Real-Time Protocol,RTP)执行音讯串流等,MirrorLink?也能支持目前在车内经常使用的规格包括蓝牙HFP与A2DP协议等
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This dissertation researched and designed the locomotive LCU based on MVB, discussed the realization of real-time protocol of TCN. 本文研究设计了基于多功能车辆总线的机车逻辑控制单元,讨论了列车通信网络实时协议的实现。 - 2
It is introduced in this paper that a method to improve the real-time protocol based on Ethernet, referring to Profibus DP field-bus protocol. 对通讯协议以及以太网实时协议改进的研究是对工业自动化系统底层次融合问题的一种探讨。 - 3
For example, in voice connections of applications such as IP telephony, the protocol negotiated with SDP in a SIP message is often Real-Time protocol (RTP), which is defined in RFC 3550. 例如,在ip电话等语音应用程序连接中,在SIP消息中使用SDP协商的协议通常是实时协议(Real - Time Protocol, RTP),而此协议在RFC 3550中定义。