释义 |
实时打印 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
This instrument USES full-Chinese menu, can display and print the test data in real time, it also can transmit data to the epigyny computer through serial interface. 该仪器采用全中文操作菜单,能实时的显示和打印各种测试数据,还能通过串行口把数据送往微机。 - 2
The system also realizes history trend curve, real time trend curve, alarm, print and so on, and this provides one way to monitor product situation and makes the rapid reaction to the unusual things. 实现了历史趋势曲线、实时趋势曲线、报警记录及打印报表等功能,提供了一种能形象直观的了解现场生产情况、对异常情况做出快速反应的监控方式。 - 3
The system have functions of data calibrate, real time data display, the system demarcate, the real-time dynamic drawing data curve, data storage and print etc. 并且实现了系统标定及对测量数据的实时显示、动态绘制曲线、存储和打印等功能。