释义 |
1 [涂料]?油漆层 Skin Of Paint(油漆层), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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She will do the whole “Wizard of Oz” for them from the beginning, and the man will paint her skin so it’s bright, not brown, and make her hair smooth and in braids so she looks like the real Dorothy. 她一个人可以从头到尾演完《绿野仙踪》,男人可以把她的皮肤涂亮,不像现在的棕色,把她的头发弄整齐,扎起辫子,这样她就更像多丽丝了。 - 2
It can remove the rust on the surface of the stainless steel tube, oxide skin, old layers of paint and other dirt. 它能去掉不锈钢管表面的锈、氧化皮、旧的漆层及其他污物。 - 3
To use the Muscle deformer as a skin solution for Sticky or Sliding weights, you can quickly apply default weights, then paint weights on the mesh when you need a higher level of detail. 使用肌肉变形器作为皮肤变形的解决方案,你可以快速的添加默认的权重,再根据你要的高度细节去刷权重。