释义 |
1 ?艉吊艇杆 ... 艉悬艇 quarter boat 艉吊艇杆 quarter boom 艉横缆,后腰缆 quarter breast ...
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That is most true of the Fed, which slashed rates between 2001 and 2003, held them at 1% for a year and then raised them in slow, predictable quarter-point steps, fuelling the housing boom. 这一批评对美联储来说恰如其分:它在2001年至2003年间持续降息,使利率低到1%并维持了一年,然后一成不变地以每季度四分之一个百分比的速度缓缓加息,这无疑是对房市繁荣火上加油。 - 2
It is winning customers from its rivals and, after a profitable quarter, is hoping to post its first full-year profit since the boom. Sun不断的从竞争对手那里赢得客户,一季度赢利,且有望多年来首次发布全年赢利报告。 - 3
Looked at this way, homes are even more overvalued than they were at the peak of the boom in the late 1980s: the ratio stands at 6.0, compared with 5.2 in the third quarter of 1989. 这样看来,房屋的沽值甚至比20世纪80年代房价增长巅峰时还要高:现在的比值是6.0,而1989年第三季度的比值只有5.2。