释义 |
1 ?则鱼涌 继而在则鱼涌(Quarry Bay)上地面后,无论任何一个出口也好.只要走到英皇道上,就能找到85(小西湾)的巴士站,直达*海防博物馆入口. 2 ?嘉诺撒学校 若然一味想直升其中学, 嘉诺撒学校 (quarry bay) 是不错的选择(9?/28? 3 ?鱼则鱼涌 ... reclaimed quarry可再使用碎石;可回收碎石;可收受接管碎石;可再施用碎石 Quarry Bay鲗鱼涌;则鱼涌;鱼则鱼涌;嘉诺撒学校 pit quarry地下运输露天矿 ...
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The brand has an outlet shop in Quarry Bay and you can also buy online. Eco Mama在鲫鱼涌有门店,也可以通过网上购买。 - 2
Next station: Tseung Kwan O. This train stops service at Tiu Keng Leng. Passengers for Po Lam, Hang Hau, Yau Tong, Quarry Bay or North Point, please interchange at Tseung Kwan O Station. 列车由康城前往北角下一站:将军澳,乘客可以转乘列车前往宝琳或坑口。 - 3
To escape her pursuers, their quarry ran herself ashore in a bay between two batteries. 为了躲避追踪者,他们的猎物在两个炮兵连之间的海湾里上岸。