... [ eke out a miserable lif be on one's last legs ] 苟且延续最后一点气息,形容生命即将终结 [ be on one's last legs ] 同“苟延残喘” [ extension ] 某物占据或表面上占据空间部分的性能 ...
...] 姑且延长 [eke out a miserable lif;be on one's last legs] 苟且延续最后一点气息,形容生命即将终结 [be on one's last legs] 同“苟延残喘” ..
be on one's last legs; linger on in a steadily worsening condition; 苟延残喘 spread; 蔓延 In case of rain the mass meeting will be postponed till the first fine day.
The inducement of cancer cell and the state onone'slastlegs would be described in this film which is full of crazy imagination.