释义 |
- 商业占用:指商业用途的房屋或空间的使用和占用,通常涉及商业活动、办公或零售等。
1 ?营业用房 ... 营业用房:business occupancy 营林员管理区:ranger district 营林员:ranger ...
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Meanwhile, the retail banking business among clients and low occupancy non-capital operations, less capital occupy small business, and even more in its infancy. 同时,零售银行业务和中间业务占比低,非资本占用业务、资本占用较少的业务规模小,甚至多处于起步阶段。 - 2
Especially after SARS, a large number of business visitors stream in, the hotel occupancy rate has continued to rise in Shanghai, the Pudong business resumed customers, the sale of steel prosperity. 特别是非典过后,大量的商务客人纷至沓来,使上海的酒店客房率一路上扬,浦东房地产业又恢复了门庭若市、买卖两旺的繁荣景象。 - 3
In residential investigations, the main town of the main residential projects all information, including sales, occupancy, property status and residential base business, and other factors. 在住宅调查方面,主要调查该镇的主要住宅项目的各项信息,包括销售情况、入住率、物业状况及住宅底商等因素。