释义 |
- 举手:通常用于志愿、投票、提问或请求等场合。也可以用于表示身体语言,比如举手示意同意或不同意。在某些情况下,它也可以表示攻击或殴打。
1 ?举手 举手(raise one's hand), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?抬手 ... 3. [knob]∶通过它可握住、操纵或移动机械设备及柜体设备(多为门上)上使用,且方便门开启的拉手,扶手等金属把手 2. [raise one's hand]∶举手;抬手 1. [handle;grip]∶器物上供手执握之处 ... 3 ?官人把手打抬 ... shake hands]∶握手 把手共誓 raise one's hand]∶举手;抬手 官人把手打抬,叫卖馉饾儿。——《清平山堂话本》 handle;grip]∶器物上供手执握之处 ... 4 ?指饶恕宽容 ... [blunderbuss] 旧式火器,枪筒较粗,发射时枪筒放在一个人的肩上,由另一个人点导火线 [raise one's hand] 指饶恕宽容,给人以方便 [look up;hold up one's head] 抬起某人的头 ...
- 1
But in society of a network, want to see the safeguard clause of an insurance product is the fatigue of raise one's hand simply. 但在一个网络社会里,要想看到一款保险产品的保障条款简直就是举手之劳。 - 2
In case misfortune dead machine, must not alarmed, do STH without authorization closes machine restart, and should personnel of invigilate of report of raise one's hand. 万一不幸死机,千万别惊慌,擅自关机重启,而应举手报告监考人员。 - 3
Recount girl sweetness worry, reveal your individual character elegant demeanour, hand catenary lets you be cast in raise one's hand sufficient, all show fashionable instinctive quality. 诉说女孩甜蜜心事,彰显你的个性风采,手链让你在举手投足间,尽显时尚本色。