释义 |
businessmen 英/ ?b?zn?smen / 美/ ?b?zn?sm?n / - 1
经济学 企业经营者 Performance appraisal, especially performance appraisal of managers, has always been hotspot in circles of researchers and businessmen both home and abroad. 绩效考核,特别是企业经营者的绩效考核,一直也是中西方理论界和企业界所关注的热点问题,如何考核经营者绩效就成为摆在我们面前的一道难题。
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历史学 商人 Businessmen always tried their best to invite famous theatrical troupes,which cost them countless money. 商人在聘请职业戏班时往往会尽力选择名班,这使其花费的钱财不可胜数。
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文学 商人 He was born in a businessmen family, because of the special reason ,he can not take up the normal education . 他出身于一个商人家庭,因特殊原因没能接受正规的学校教育,但依靠自学而博览群书,最终成了胡适的英文教师。