... Blocking out;涂去;遮去、涂去;退地 Business graphic;事务用图像处理、商业图表;商业图表;商业美术 Calibration target;色导表;校色表;校正标、调校目标 ...
... Blocking out;涂去;遮去、涂去;退地 Business graphic;事务用图像处理、商业图表;商业图表;商业美术 Calibration target;色导表;校色表;校正标、调校目标 ...
美术史 History of Art ; Art History ; History of arts 商业美术 commercial arts ; commercial art ; Business graphic 美术字 artistic calligraphy ; Artistic Text ..
I recently started a small business. I could never have gotten it off the ground without the help of a CPA, lawyer, graphic designer, and administrative assistant.
WebSphere process Server offers a choice of graphic user interfaces for business users to interact with a process.
WebSphere Process Server为业务用户提供了用于与流程交互的图形用户界面选择。
For graphic Designers Only is a business minded graphic design focused broadcast which talks with industry experts to gain insight and give advice to the community.