释义 |
1 ?压力限制 ...患者,其吸气压力因达到预设的压力,而停止供应气流开始呼气,称之为: (A)压力触发(trigger) (B)压力限制(pressure limited) (C)流量限制(flow limited) (D)压力切换(pressure cycle) 11、 有关氧气治疗的描述,下列何者错误? 2 ?压力范围 ... pressure lifting ==> 压力升高 pressure limit ==> 压力范围 pressure limitation ==> 压力限度 ... 3 ?压力极限 ... 产品重量(product weight) 压力极限(pressure limit) 反应时间(response time) ...
- 1
Pressure limit switch circuit is cut off, stop, and then closing, the hook can only decrease. 压下限位开关,切断电路停车,再合闸时,吊钩只能下降。 - 2
So, the selection of variable pump pressure limit is appropriate, because this type of pump flow with the system pressure varies. 所以选择限压式变量泵为宜,因为这种类型的泵的流量随系统压力的变化而变化。 - 3
Practices have proved that the upper injection pressure limit, determined with pseudopaisson's ratio method, based on passive microseismogram is suitable for oilfield development. 实践表明,以无源微地震测试结果为基础的拟泊松比法确定的注水压力上限能够较好地适应油田开发的需要。