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1 [生物]?极地生物学 研究者在《极地生物学》(Polar Biology)期刊发表报告称,在9月底和10月初,海冰的边缘仍离海岸有200公里的距离;而就在10年前,海面在这个月份几乎一直冻到岸边。 2 ?北极熊生物学 研究结果刊登在「北极熊生物学(Polar Biology)上,同时为第一..
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Polar Biology presents results of studies in plants, animals, and micro-organisms of Marine, limnic and terrestrial habitats in polar and subpolar regions of both hemispheres. 该期刊发表南极和南极区域的动植物、海洋微生物、生境的最新研究成果。 - 2
Fear of predators doesn't just affect the penguins' daily activities, however. It also influences the birds' migration patterns, Ainley and Ballard report this week in Polar Biology. Ainley和Ballard在本周的《极地生物学》中指出,害怕被捕食已经影响到企鹅的日常活动,甚至它们的迁徙规律。 - 3
Polar research of astronomy, meteorology, geology and biology is conducted mainly in the Antarctic region. 南极地区学科侧重点有天文、大气、地质、生物等学科,北极地区侧重在海洋、资源、环境等学科;