2 被动式孤岛检测方法 被动式(又称无源法)孤岛检测方法通过被动地监测公共耦合点(Point of Common Coupling, PCC)电压的参数(电压幅值、频率、谐波等)是否超过设定的阈值来控制逆 变器是否停止运行。
...键词: 电能质量;;公共连接点;;谐波发射水平;;谐波阻抗;;非干预式 [gap=1217]Keywords: power quality;point of common coupling(PCC);harmonic emission level;harmonic impedance;non-invasive ..
... 起动信号display 公共供电点point of common coupling 闪变flicker ...
2 被动式孤岛检测方法 被动式(又称无源法)孤岛检测方法通过被动地监测公共耦合点(Point of Common Coupling, PCC)电压的参数(电压幅值、频率、谐波等)是否超过设定的阈值来控制逆 变器是否停止运行。
Connectivity, however, is a common entry point, because so many clients have an immediate need to connect requesters to providers and want the benefits of the loose coupling the ESB provides.
D-STATCOM has been paid more and more attention since it can stabilize the voltage of the commoncouplingpoint and compensate the reactive power. But there are still many problems to be resolved.