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1 ?赝能隙 ... nanotubeDelancy P等人研究[1]表明,金属性扶手椅型单壁碳纳米管(10,10)形成管束,在其电子态密度中可产生0.1eV赝能隙(pseudogap),从而使许多与电子结构相关的性质发生改变。
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Now, if you want to explain high-temperature superconductivity and you believe the pseudogap is a precursor, you need to explain both. 如果你想解释高温超导,并且把赝隙看作是前兆,那么这两者都要解释。 - 2
They knew it had something to do with electron behavior during the so-called pseudogap phase, a temp range where superconductivity breaks down. 他们认为这可能与在所谓的赝能隙相位期间的电子活动有关,而室温处在这段超导电性受到破坏的温度范围内。 - 3
"If it is true that the pseudogap is a charge-density wave, that would be a major, major outcome because people have been looking for this for the past decade," he said. “如果赝隙真的是电荷密度波,那将是一个非常非常重大的发现。因为人们在过去几十年里都在寻求这个问题的答案。”他说。