释义 |
rest house 英/ ?rest ha?s / 美/ ?rest ha?s / - 休息站:一种为旅行者提供休息和住宿的地方,通常位于公路旁或远足路线上。
1 ?中途之家 ...备;政曱府批准的场地包括亚喀巴北边的海滩、Dibbin 国度公园、达纳慷慨防御区露宿地,在政曱府办的“中途之家”(Rest Houses)旁露宿也能够。
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Relieving establishments were mostly refugees' asylums and transport station, refugee's rest houses, poorhouses, a house of children's correction, baby farm and so on. 救济设施主要有难民收容所和输送站、难民招待所、救济院、儿童教养院、托儿所等。 - 2
As for the rest of the Dagestanis, they are left with potholed roads, derelict farms and factories, a polluted sea and a grim landscape dotted with houses half-built or half-ruined. 对达吉斯坦的其他人来说,他们有的就只是崎岖不平的公路,废弃的农场和工厂,被污染的海洋和点缀着半建半毁的房子的残败景象。 - 3
It, like the rest of the neighborhood's houses, was deserted but intact. 跟这个街区的其他房子一样,这座房子也没人了,不过房子完好无损。