释义 |
responsiveness 英/ r??sp?ns?vn?s / 美/ r??spɑ?ns?vn?s / - 1
医药科学 反应度 We could evaluate responsiveness of the scale by further experiment and repeated measurement. 并进行跟踪试验和重复测量以评价量表反应度。 应答 So, we think about in many ways, study the possible cause of non-responsiveness with univariate and multivariate Logistic regression, and want to provide reference to solve the problem of HB. 为此,我们从多方面出发,结合多个因素考虑,应用单因素和多因素分析方法研究无(弱)应答者产生的可能原因,为解决乙型肝炎疫苗无(弱)应答的问题提供科学依据。 应答性
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经济学 响应性 Through factor analysis,this study shows that the service quality based on C2C e-store can still be divided into five dimensions:tangibility,responsiveness,reliability, assurance and empathy. The result provides the basis for the follow-up study.2. 本研究通过因子分析表明,C2C平台上的电子商店的服务质量仍然可以划分为有形性、响应性、可靠性、保证性和移情性,这为后续相关研究奠定了基础。
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法学 回应性 When a judge establishes a rule of adjudication, he must follow some principles. In this thesis, I will put forward three principles: predictability, generalness and responsiveness. 法官创制一个裁判规则,就必须遵循一定的原则,在文中,我提出三个原则:可预测性、可普遍化、回应性。
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生物学 反应性 No one has considered the relationship between the loss of heart rate variability and the development of heart diseases from the myocardium responsiveness point. 却很少从心肌自身反应性的角度考虑心率变异与心 第四军医大学博士学位论文脏疾病预后的关系。 效应性
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