释义 |
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Compared with the forging die steel, casting forging die steel although toughness is low, but high strength, red hardness is good, with low notch sensitivity and high resistance to thermal fatigue. 与锻造模具钢相比,铸造热锻模具钢虽然韧性低,但强度高、红硬性好,具有较低的缺口敏感性和较高的抗热疲劳性。 - 2
If the red hot wire directly out of the cooling, the annealing is not complete, steel wire hardness, not easy to spring. 如果把烧红的钢丝直接取出冷却,则退火不完全,钢丝硬度大,不易绕制弹簧。 - 3
High speed steel roll has the characteristics of high hardness, good red hardness and excellent wear-resistance, is widely used in steel rolling industry. 高速钢轧辊具有硬度高、红硬性好、耐磨性好等特点,在轧钢行业获得了广泛应用。