释义 |
1 ?坏女人 ...《super girl》亮相过且被歌迷熟知,而如今在这首《...男人陷入爱河的真实情感也通过风趣的词汇与整个曲风... 坏女人 (boom boom) 如同歌名一样演绎黑暗.. 2 ?燃向剧情 (燃向剧情) 【张艺兴】爆裂天使Boom Boom! (燃向剧情) 不辩不明:港股好还是A股好? 3 ?兔子舞系列 ...风格的来电 身心跟着舞动起来的个性来电 以柔制刚舞曲风格来电 您正在听的是手机铃声网好听的MP3铃声《boom boom (兔子舞系列)》,人气指数: 如果您觉得好听,请推荐给您的朋友!感谢您的支持。 4 ?隆隆 ... 孟菲斯·斯利姆 Memphis Slim 《隆隆》 Boom Boom 杰克·欧文斯 Jack Owens ...
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It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots, "said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking." “它轰隆、轰隆、轰隆,像炮击一样,”这位顾客说,她像在这个店里的其他人一样,在保安人员制止任何拍照之前快速拿出手机咔咔地拍摄这一场景。 - 2
"It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots," said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking. “它轰隆、轰隆、轰隆,像炮击一样,”这位顾客说,她像在这个店里的其他人一样,在保安人员制止任何拍照之前快速拿出手机咔咔地拍摄这一场景。 - 3
Our brain has got all that stuff coming in there and we're probably focusing a lot on the bass and "Boom, boom, " the tuba that's playing there. 我们的大脑收集了所有听到的信息,而且可能更专注与低音部分,以及大号发出的"邦 邦"声