释义 |
- 宗教教义:指宗教信仰中的教导和教义,包括道德规范、信仰原则、礼仪仪式等内容。
- 1
To escape, Franny has seized on a religious classic called the Way of a Pilgrim, in which an anonymous Russian peasant tells how he roamed the land first learning, and then teaching, the Jesus Prayer. 为了逃脱这一切,弗兰妮便阅读一本名为《朝圣者之路》的书,在书中,一位无名的俄国农民讲述自己如何踏上朝圣之路,他首先学习了《慕善集》,然后又教授此书。 - 2
The party of George Bush, they contend, favours teaching creationism, denies that mankind is broiling the planet and blocks medical research out of religious pigheadedness. 乔治·布什这一派系,一直鼓吹上帝创造学说否认人类是全球变暖的罪魁祸首,并且因为他们的僵化的宗教信仰而阻碍医学研究。 - 3
Susy explained that Miss Foote (the governess) had been teaching her about the Indians and their religious beliefs, whereby it appeared that they had not only a God, but several. 苏西解释说富特老师(女家庭教师)在教她关于印第安人以及他们的宗教信仰的事情,根据老师的说法,印第安人好像不只有一个上帝,而是有好几个。