释义 |
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宗教学 宗教生活 The religious life of Christian, including keeping chapels, fellowship activity and prayers enforced their group identity of being Christian. 基督徒的宗教生活,包括礼拜聚会、团契活动和祷告,增强了基督徒的群体身份认同。
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历史学 宗教生活 Before liberation it was a very active and influential Organization ,not limited in the religious life, but paying great attention to all kinds of social life. 解放前的中华基督教青年会,是中国青年中一个相当活跃而有影响的组织。 它并不局限于宗教生活,而是积极关注各种社会问题。
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The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life. 加 尔 文领导的日内瓦宗教改革运动,在重新构建神学体系和教会生活的同时,亦凸显了社会功能。 - 2
However, I've found that there are certain principles that can be applied to any life, no matter what your religious beliefs or what your standard of living. 然而,我发现了某些可以运用到任何生命中的特定的规则,不管你的宗教信仰和你的生活标准是什么。 - 3
Religious people tend to report more life satisfaction, and a new study explains why. 有报道称信徒们在生活中更易满足,一项新的研究揭示了原因。