释义 |
1 [矿业]?承受地压块 ... 承受冲击 absorb 承受地压块 pressure block 承受码头 sufferance wharf ... 2 ?压块 ... Ejector plate - 顶针板。 Pressure block - 压块。 Spacer block - 垫脚。 ... 3 ?承压块 ... 承压环 pressure ring 承压块 pressure block 承压力 bearing force; bearing pre ure; bearing pressure; carrying load ...
- 1
If I take a piece of concrete, a block of concrete, and I put too much pressure on it, it starts to crumble. 如果我拿一块混凝土,一大块混凝土,在上面施加太大的压力,它就会开始碎裂。 - 2
Several kinds of drugs that block the effects of angiotensin, reducing blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels, including 还有一些药物可以抑止血管紧缩素的影响, 通过放松血管来降低血压。 - 3
Liquid helium has the potential to solidify air, which can block pressure-relief devices and other container openings. This can result in pressure buildup that may rupture the container. 液氦有凝固空气的潜力,这会阻塞减压装置和其它的容器开口,导致可以使容器破裂的压力积累。