释义 |
- 紧急前进:更加紧急地前进或移动,尤其是在面对逆境时。
1 ?奋力向前 ...or social characteristics are interdisciplinary, knowledge integration, technology integration 奋力向前 ? Press forward 罗马教皇英诺森三世召集第四次拉特兰公会议,颁布了一系列针对犹 ? Pope Innocent III called the Fourth Lateran public meetin... 2 ?向前推进 ... press down 向下压 press forward 向前推进 press on 向前逼进 ... 3 ?向前进逼 ... press for 急切地要求(得到), 敦促(做某事) press forward 向前进逼, 奋力推进 press hard upon 进逼, 压迫, 穷追 ...
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When our time of mourning is over, we press forward, stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life. 哀悼结束,我们变得更强大,带着对生命更多的理解和尊重奋力前行。 - 2
To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research. 为了成为地球上有责任心的一员,我们必须推进对大气和海洋更深入的研究。 - 3
How could we hesitate to press forward in the face of difficulties?