... point contact semiconducting diode 点接触半导体二极管 point contact transistor 点接触晶体管 point contact varactor 点接触变容二极管 ...
...负电压的称为集极 (COLLECtOr),塑料下方接触的锗晶体就是基极 (BAsE),构成第一个点接触电晶体 (POINt CONtACt trANsIstOr),1947年1二月23日,他们更进一步使用点接触电晶体制作出一个语音放大器,该日因而成为晶体管正式发明的重大日子.
贝尔实验室的第一个点触式晶体管(point contact transistor)在47年底由巴丁和Walter Brattain做出来,48年初申请专利。
触点式晶体管 ; 点接触晶体管
The very first transistor was the point-contact transistor, and that was Bardeen and Brattain.
NPR: Electronics Pioneer William Shockley's Legacy
There's the junction transistor and a point-contact transistor.
The oldest ancestor of the point-contact transistor was the crystal detector, used in early wireless sets.
ECONOMIST: The middle age of the transistor