而在康桥学派著名学者波考克(Pocock)的传统中,马基雅维利则被视为古典共和主义的重要理论家,尤其是他的著作《李维史论》(DiscoursesontheFirst TenBooksofLivy),极...
... 所属州: OH 名字: Pocock 姓: Scott ...
如保罗· 拉赫 ( Paul Rahe) 详细证明的, 美国的建国国父们的美德观不像普考克 ( Pocock) 和其追随者宣称的那样是希腊城邦的美德观, 而实际是 启蒙运动私人的、商业导向的美德。
波科客 ; 波科克 ; 科波克
David Pocock comes in for flanker George Smith in Australia's only change from the side which beat England.
BBC: Prop Healy wins first Ireland cap
"Mr and Mrs Pocock chose to ignore our advice and consequently planning consent was refused, " the officer said.
BBC: 'Unique' pub shut after sign row
Further tries from Stephen Moore, Ben Alexander, Mitchell, David Pocock and James O'Conner took the hosts over 50.
BBC: Lewsey & Corry bow out in defeat