...) l h p q h l p q h l ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = ? ? = ? ? 引理1 表明贝川德均衡价格要求总是存在质量溢价(quality premium) , 即 0 h l p p ? > , 也 就是说高质量产品获得高价格; [1] 当采取严格配额限制时, 最小差异化原则是局部非稳定 的, 其原...
... 生活质量 Quality of life 品质贴水 Quality premium 质量管理 Quality regulation ...
It is a sign of a high qualitypremium directory that is committed to you and your long term goals.
Many other airlines provide this service to their First class passengers and it is something we consider appropriate when providing a qualitypremium experience.
Foreign brands sell at a huge premium to local brands, justified in part by the perception of quality.