释义 |
1 [气象]?雪质 ... quality of service ==> 服务质量 quality of snow ==> 雪质 quality of sound ==> 音色 ...
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"Understanding the amount of pollutants in soil and snow is critical to maintaining the quality of alpine water sources," the scientists report. 科学家们研究声称,“了解土壤和积雪中的污染物的量对维持高山融水的质量有重要的作用。” - 2
Good design is often strange. Some of the very best work has an uncanny quality: Euler's Formula, Bruegel's Hunters in the Snow, the SR-71, Lisp. 好的设计通常是奇特的.一些最杰出的作品有不可思议的品质: 欧拉公式, 勃鲁盖尔(Brueghel)的雪中猎人 ,SR-71, Lisp. - 3
So while you may have a 15% chance of creating a full quality Frost Hammer anywhere you stand a much better chance of getting a better quality if you craft it during the winter as a snow storm rages. 因此,当你在任意一个位置想要制造霜冻战锤时,完美质量的成品只有15%,但是如果你在冬天的暴风雪里制造时,那么将大大提高成功的机率。