释义 |
1 ?创世记 把《创世记》(the Book of Genesis)记载,诺亚方舟(Noah's ark)在大洪水退落后就是亚拉腊山坡上登陆的,也是从这里诺亚(Noah)和他的追随者们开始重建世界。 2 ?起源之书 「家谱的希腊文是「起源之书(Book of Genesis)令读者联想到一个新的开始。作者将主的家谱追溯到亚伯拉罕(他是创世记的主角、以色列的起源,被公认为以色列民的祖宗),辗转相...
- 1
The book of Exodus is really the sequel, then, to the book of Genesis. - 2
Reader 1: a reading from the book of Genesis, chapter 2, versus 21 through 25. - 3
It seemed, he said, as he took a pinch of snuff, that I hadn't read the third chapter of the book of Genesis with sufficient attention. 看起来,他吸了一口鼻烟,说道,我没有足够的专注地阅读过《创世纪》的第三章。