此外欧盟以条件多数决 ( qualified majority voting) 来决定第一支 柱的议题之法律规范多少增加会员国间谈判之效率。
例如,该法案通过扩展在健康和工作场所安全方面引入合格多数票投票机制(qualified majority voting),以及通过引入新的合作程式, 而给了欧共体理事会更大的权力来解决在社会政策方面过去很难达成一致的一些矛盾问题。
Another prerequisite to expansion is the extension of qualified majority voting (QMV) in the European Council.
BBC: Europe: The issues
It would expand the policy areas subject to qualified majority voting (QMV), rather than unanimity.
BBC: Irish EU treaty referendum closes
EU-wide taxes should be decided by qualified majority voting among the Union's countries.
ECONOMIST: Who??s running Germany?