释义 |
PS 英/ ?pi? ?es / 美/ ?pi? ?es / - abbr.(信末的)附言,又及(postscript);(美国)公立学校(public school);警官,警佐(police sergeant);私人秘书(private secretary);个人陈述(personal statement);(剧院)台词提示一侧(prompt side);(汽车的)动力转向系统(power steering);(ps)百亿分之一秒(picosecond);每秒(per second);著名图像处理软件(Photoshop)
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化学 元素磷(phosphorus)的符号 聚苯乙稀 聚苯乙烯
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物理学 功率、压力、压强 (pressure),动力 (power),质子气核 (proton),宇宙性 (parily),动量 (momentum) 的符号
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计算机科学技术 分封交换器 (packet switcher) PostScript语言 压力开关 (pressure switch)
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Result】Correlation analysis indicated that there were significant relationships among the PSES, PDES and PES. 结果 相关分析表明,单边柱头外露率、双边柱头外露率和柱头总外露率之间存在极显著的正相关。 - 2
Siemens PSE (Nanjing) has full access to PSEs worldwide know-how and project-expertise of more than 6000 engineers via PSEs outstanding internal know-how-networks and technology management. 通过卓越的内部专有技术网络和技术管理手段,PSE南京公司可以充分利用PSE全球的技术网络,并借鉴全球超过6000名工程师的专业技术经验。 - 3
I think we all know how a war between China and Rome would have ended…. a roman general climbing on top of piles of chiense cor pses, waving the flag of the eagle and shouting "ROMA VICTOR! "" 我们都知道中国和罗马爆发战争的后果,即一位罗马将军爬上中国士兵尸体堆上,挥舞着旗帜,高呼“罗马胜利!”