...和同事描绘了这只动物的基因并将其与另一头4.3万年前的古老马,以及其它五匹同时代的品种、唯一存活的名为普热瓦利斯基(Przewalski)的野马以及一头驴的基因进行对比。 马的骨骼发现于结冻的加拿大育空地区最先进的DNA分析技术使得他们能够将73种蛋白质进...
蒙古野马 ; 普氏野马
The horse gets its name from N.M.Przewalski, the Russian explorer who first described it in scientific terms.
VOA : special.2010.06.22
Until two years ago, the Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union said Przewalski's horses were extinct in the wild.
For more than thirty years, the center has had many successes, including the Przewalski's Horse.