释义 |
1 ?相干逻辑 R系统是 相干逻辑 ( relevance logic )的命题演算系统,是美国逻辑学家安特逊和贝尔纳普于1959年建立的。本文的目的是证明这两个系统等价。
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In some organizations, the notion that the volume of logic may have relevance has been controversial, at times garnering a degree of skepticism and even contempt. 在一些组织中,逻辑的容积可能有关联性的想法已经引起争论,有时候会受到某种程度的怀疑,甚至轻视。 - 2
Here, logging output influences other parts of a system in terms of business relevance, in other words, other applications read business critical log records and use those in their business logic. 在这种情形下,根据业务的相关程度,日志的输出将影响到系统的其它部分,换句话说,其它应用程序将读取关键业务日志并应用到它们的商业逻辑中。 - 3
As he argues, the worn-out thinking and exhausted logic of the past have lost their relevance.