释义 |
1 ?发行日期 ... 它总是到处跑 ? It's always running around 发行日期 ? Release dates 心尖部 ? Apical ...
- 1
Application two: Albums, their artists, and release dates. - 2
Project managers must do their work: coordinating others' work, and looking after schedules, project phases, and release dates. 项目管理者必须履行其职责:协调其它成员的工作以及负责进度、项目阶段和发布日期。 - 3
Born in Italy, Eurostile had two designers, and two release dates, even if purists might insist that it really just had one of each. 生于意大利的Eurostile有两个作者,以及两个发布时间,虽然纯粹主义者们可能会坚持说这是两个作者在两个时间的分别发布。