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1 ?轨道自动车 ... bow trolley 集电弓,弓式集电器... rail trolley 轨道自动车 trolley rope 架空吊车索 ...
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To install the crane span before installation, camber, level of metal structure of main girder bending, trolley rail height difference, gauge deviation, diagonal bridge survey. 安装前要对起重机安装跨度,金属结构主梁的拱度、水平旁弯,小车轨道高低差、轨距偏差,桥架对角线等进行测量。 - 2
The novel configuration proposal reduces and even eliminates the phenomena of fed material skip, chute scarring, discharge trolley rail corrosion, difficult discharge and so on. 该新型配置方案使原生产中存在的过滤机下料跳料, 溜槽结疤,卸料小车钢轨腐蚀,卸料困难等现象大为减少甚至消失。 - 3
In push bench, a trolley is arranged on the guide rail in the middle of the machine case, an oil motor and a coupler are arranged in the trolley. 顶管机中,小车置于机箱中部的导轨上,油马达和联接器置于小车内。