释义 |
1 ?地区性 2.2.1地区性与地区 主义 1.地区性 地区性(Regionality)可以看作是某一地域的自然地理特 征、社会经济特征以及传统文化特征的总和。 2 ?区域性 文章详细信息 关键词: 高斯投影;;分带;;区域性;;转换 [gap=404]Keywords: Gauss-Kruger projection,dividing number,regionality,transformation 3 ?域性 按应用规模的大小可将GIS和3s分为全球性(Globality)、区域性(Regionality) 的和局部性(Locality)的三种。范围大的一般分辨率低,反之则高。
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The building is not the one I particularly like, but it seems to be a meaningful attempt between the regionality and modernity. 该建筑并非是笔者特别钟爱的类型,然而它在地域性与当代性之间进行了很有意义的尝试。 - 2
Regionality is one of the most basic characters of architecture, which was, however, neglected during the development of modern architecture. 地域性是建筑的最基本特征之一,在建筑的中却被忽略了。 - 3
Therefore, only if we pay due attention to the regionality of the talented-women culture can we successfully further the study on women culture. 因而只有注意到才女文化的地域性特征,才能进一步推进女性文化的研究。