释义 |
- abbr.假蕈样真菌病综合征(pseudo mycosis fungoides syndrome)
1 ?黄酮 多甲氧基黄酮(PMFs)是一类富含甲氧基的酚类化合物,广泛的存在自然界中。现有研究发现PMFs具有广泛的药理作用,如改善胰岛素抵抗,抗炎,抗氧化,改善认知... 2 ?的脉冲磁场 我们基于低强度(1×10-6 T)的脉冲磁场(pulsed magnetic fields, PMFs)非热生物效应的机制,结合电磁场理论的计算,研制了GZY型骨质疏松治疗仪,并通过建立骨质疏松动物模型对... 3 ?旁分泌移动因子 旁分泌移动因子(paracrine motility factors,PMFs) 要形成一成功的转移灶,肿瘤细胞需要找到一个能支持细胞生长的微环境。
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Then we investigate the temperature and strain responses of FBGs in PMFs. - 2
Moreover, the birefringence thermal stability of PMFs has been obtained by monitoring the grating resonance wavelength. 通过监测光栅两个偏振峰的波长来研究三种保偏光纤双折射的高温特性。 - 3
Fast axis of panda and bow-tie PMFs is more sensitive to temperature than slow axis, while slow axis has higher sensitivity to strain than fast axis. 熊猫型和领结型保偏光纤快轴的温度灵敏度大于慢轴,而应变灵敏度快轴小于慢轴。