释义 |
- 1
In this case, a redirected restore operation won't do the trick, because you can't usually back up a database on one operating system, and restore it on another operating system. 在这种情况中,重定向操作通常就无用武之地了,因为我们通常都不能在一个操作系统上备份一个数据库,然后将其恢复到另外一个操作系统上。 - 2
The server simply unpacks the parameters of the request, performs the operation, packages up the return value and out parameters, and sends the response back to the client. 服务器只是将请求中的参数解包,执行运算,将返回值和输出参数打包,然后向客户机发回响应。 - 3
You needed to back up and delete the striped LV, and then recreate the LV with a larger stripe width followed by a restore operation of the LV data. 您需要备份并删除该striped LV,然后使用更大的stripe宽度重新创建LV,接下来还要对LV数据进行相应的还原操作。