释义 |
pluralism 英/ ?pl??r?l?z?m / 美/ ?pl?r?l?z?m / - n.<正式>多元化,多元性;<正式>多元主义;<正式>(尤指在教会)身兼多职;多党论,多党制;个体放权自治制;多元文化社会;<哲>多元论,多元制
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法学 多元化 ”in " song of main road " Since the cause of corruption is not single, it determinesthe pluralism of the corruption solving. 腐败的成因不是单一的,这就决定了腐败解决途径的多元化。 多元主义 Because of pluralism concern over the state and society can not solve the contradictions and social organizations to resolve the conflict between. 多元主义因过多关注国家与社会间的矛盾而未能解决社会组织之间的冲突化解。 多元论 Next has carried on the analysis to the strict responsibility meaning from monism and the pluralism two angles. 其次对严格责任的含义,在对一元论观点进行反驳的基础上,从多元论视角进行了分析界定。
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经济学 多元化 Economic structure demonstrates pluralism, and it follows that economic relations and labor relation take great change too. 经济结构呈现多元化,经济关系和劳动关系也随之发生着重大变化。 多元发展 Extracted some strategic plans and studied the feasibility of these plans, then determined the corporation' s developing strategy which is strengthen tradition operation, innovate in adjustment, the relative pluralism operation.4. 3.提出了各种战略方案并进行了可行性论证,在此基础上确定了公司的发展战略即:强化传统经营,在调整中创新,相关多元发展。
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哲学 多元论 This is a shift from previous absolutism to relativism,from monism to pluralism,from dogmatism to liberalism. 它从以往提倡的绝对论转向相对论、从一元论转向多元论、从独断论转向自由论。
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