释义 |
1 ?进刀角度 Plunge angle(进刀角度):即为螺旋线的升角,此值拔取得太小,螺旋圈数增多,切削路程加长;升角太年夜,又会孕育产生不好的端刃切削的情形,一样寻常选...
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In natural materials, light waves entering at an Angle always bend to plunge more steeply into the material-the hallmark of a refractive index greater than 1. 在自然物质中,以一定角度进入的光波,进入物质后的角度更小——标志着折射率大于1。 - 2
The influences of plunge depth, push angle, profile of tool, rotation speed and welding speed on metal flowing were studied. 从压入量、倾角、搅拌工具的外形、焊接速度、旋转速度和材料所处位置等方面研究了工艺参数对金属塑性流动的影响。 - 3
The results show that the shape of pin, welding speed, rotating velocity, deflected Angle of pin and plunge depth have important influences on the welding formation. 结果表明,搅拌头形状和焊接速度、搅拌头转速、搅拌头偏转角度等工艺参数对焊缝成形有重要的影响。