释义 |
- 勇往直前:继续前进,即使遇到困难或阻碍也要坚定不移地继续下去。
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Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth--rain or shine. 不要去注意那些使你气馁的事情,无论你的道路是崎岖,是平坦,总当像一只轮船一样——不管雨天,晴天,依然向前行驶。 - 2
The big difference between driverless vehicles and humans, in these cases, is that the computer can be programmed to behave cautiously when stumped, while humans often plough ahead heedlessly. 在这些情况下,无人驾驶车与人有一个很大的差别,就是计算机在遇到麻烦时会小心行动,这可以通过对它编程来实现,但人却往往粗心大意,横冲直撞。 - 3
Straining to control a deafening, bucking, fuel-powered plough, Qing Zhongxing prepares a strip of land ahead of sowing next season's harvest of rapeseed. 秦中兴(音译)正在学习使用一台轰鸣震动的燃料动力犁,把油菜地划成一条一条,为来年的油菜籽收成作准备。