释义 |
1 ?租金管制 市议员陈倩雯也出席了新闻发布会,她表示这些居民失去了住所,社区也失去了宝贵的租金管制(rent-controlled)单位。房东都在试图解除租金控制,但这是不允许的。 2 ?租金控制 因为在纽约有很多「租金控制(Rent-controlled)房屋,这些房屋规定只能本人居住,不能转租。
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Many apartments, especially in cities, are rent-controlled or rent-stabilized. - 2
It's here, right now, whether you live in a mansion or a rent-controlled apartment. 它就在这,就是现在,而不论你是住在高楼大厦里还是住在出租屋了。 - 3
Mr Rangel owns a beach house in the Dominican Republic, but allegedly neglected to pay taxes on $75,000 of the rental income from it. He occupies four rent-controlled apartments in New York. 兰赫尔(Rangel)在多米尼加共和国拥有一幢海滨别墅,但据说他因疏忽而未缴纳7万5000美元的租金税,他在纽约还有四间租金受管制的公寓。