从指令键入交互界面(command line interfaces)进化到了图像交互界面(GU对我们的实验来说再完美不过。处理第一类投诉的最佳方式是让抱怨的人和被抱怨的人坐在一起,我们总是说:...
It's been said that "graphical user interfaces make easy tasks easy, while commandlineinterfaces make difficult tasks possible" and this is still very true today.
You can also leverage the commandlineinterfaces to change the access control configurations of script packages, and even delete a package from the appliance using its ID, as shown in Figure 10.
Suffice to say, that when we define our manifest, we can declare optional dependencies on both the Felix and Equinox commandlineinterfaces, so that when we install into either, we'll be able to run.