... 预摆 crank; initial movement in circle; initial movement in the circle 预安装pre installation; pre-erection outfitting; preinstallation; preset 预拌 preblend; premix ...
Please follow the detailed instructions in the Tivoli System Automation Manager installation guide for completing these pre-installation phases.
请按照Tivoli System Automation Manager安装指南中的详细说明完成这些安装前阶段。
Please follow the detailed instructions in the Tivoli Service Automation Manager installation guide for completing these pre-installation phases.
请按照Tivoli System Automation Manager安装指南中的详细说明完成这些安装前阶段。
The Tivoli System Automation Manager pre-installation verification process actually utilizes the following scripts which can be found in the installation source package
Tivoli System Automation Manager 安装前确认过程实际上利用了以下脚本,可在安装源包中找到它们