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prehnite 英/ ?pre?na?t / 美/ ?prena?t / 1 [矿物]?葡萄石 硬度及透明度:葡萄石(Prehnite)的硬度在6-6.5,较为耐久,多数的透明度介于透明和半透明之间,最典型的葡萄石(Prehnite)即拥有如葡萄的肉一般稍带朦胧但又水润的质感。 2 ?芙蓉石 ... 葡萄石 Prehnite 芙蓉石 Prehnite 石榴石 Spessartine ... 3 ?水晶 ... 景德嘉宝砂锅电磁炉适用 煲汤砂锅炖锅陶瓷耐高温T2-4L 水晶+葡萄石prehnite 鱼眼石Apophyllite ...
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The main minerals are plagioclase, zoisite, hornblende, and the minor minerals were mica, sphene, prehnite and so on. 主要组成矿物有斜长石、黝帘石、角闪石、另有云母类矿物、榍石、葡萄石等次要矿物。 - 2
The main minerals are plagioclase, zoisite, hornblende , and the minor minerals were mica, sphene, prehnite, tourmaline and so on. 主要组成矿物有斜长石、黝帘石、角闪石、另有云母类矿物、榍石、葡萄石、方解石、电气石等次要矿物;