释义 |
1 ?胸膜肿瘤 4. 胸膜肿瘤(pleural tumor)X线表现为半球形、 扁丘状或不规则形肿块, 密度均匀, 边缘清楚。 常见的有间皮瘤、 肉瘤及转移瘤。
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In combination with signal intensity and morphologic features, MRI is more useful and, therefore, superior to CT in differentiation of malignant from benign pleural tumor. 但当MR信号与形态学特点结合时,其对良、恶性胸膜肿瘤的鉴别诊断价值则明显优于CT。 - 2
Nodules seen in relation to interlobular septa, the peribronchovascular interstitium, or beneath the pleural surface represent tumor growing in pulmonary capillaries, lymphatics, or the interstitium. 结节可见于小叶间隔、支气管血管周围间质、胸膜表面之下的毛细血管、淋巴管及间质。 - 3
The mode of operations included bleb resection, wedge resection, lobectomy, resection of mediastinal tumor, lung volume reduction, pleural fistula, et al. 术式包括双侧肺大切除术、肺楔形切除术、肺叶切除术、纵隔肿瘤切除术、肺减容术和胸膜瘘修补术等。