释义 |
- pl.大量;充足;富足
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交通运输工程 很多 In recent years, with the development of computer network. Some military great power develop plenty of research in digital warship. 当前,随着计算机网络的不断发展,数字化舰船的研究在国外一些军事强国以开展了很多的研究,其舰船网络系统已基本成型,而且仍在不断发展,形成了一套适合于舰船系统自身特点的网络管理方案。
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Deep blue, painting the pink, white dazzle of color dignified elegance, like the fashionable pure from the future plenties face. 绘画中幽深的蓝色、炫目的桃红、白扑扑的肤色凝重而典雅,如同一幅幅来自未来的摩登纯粹脸庞。 - 2
you wanna a considerate Bay there after coming across dozens of difficulties in job and encountering with plenties of problems in study, as it were, suffering from unexpected disease in life. 无论当你碰到了工作中无数的麻烦或是在研究学习中遇到了棘手的问题后,你想要一个温馨的空间去避避。 可以这么说,这一切就如同在生活中无端遭遇疾病一样让你烦恼。